Judith Kratochvil

Who We Are

More than 225 years ago, the Founding Fathers concieved a nation based on liberty, and today The Heritage Foundation fights to fulfill their vision–a vision of America where freedom, opportunity, prosperity, and civil society flourish.

Americans who have a real impact on policies and laws shaped in Washington. By joining the President’s Club with a gift of $1,000 or more, supporters connect with other conservative stalwarts in forming the backbone of the Heritage Foundation. At their President’s Club meetings, members have heard from such conservative superstars as Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney, John Ashcroft, and Steve Forbes.

With more than 200,000 members from all walks of life, The Heritage Foundation is Americ’s most broadly supported think tank.

America’s security, prosperity, and freedom are at risk. Today, our security  and even our very freedom are challenged by people that have no respect for American principles and the American way of life. The Heritage Foundation and a special group of our most valued supporters think our country’s challenges are too important for government officials to have the monopoly on meeting them. That is why we are giving the American public and its leaders ideas and research they need to meet those challenges. Heritage is dedicated to three goals. We must:

  • Defend our homeland and its citizens in ways that preserve the Constitution.
  • Reduce the burden of government for all taxpayers by making the 2001 tax cuts permanent and ending the Ddeath Tax.
  • Enact individual tax credits that make health insurance affordable for uninsured Americans.