Judith Kratochvil

What Do Others Think About Us?


“Heritage has been an advocate for free enterprise, traditional values and the advance of liberty around the world. My administration has benefited from your good work, and so has our country.”

–President George W. Bush

“Heritage is the sworn-enemy of over-regulation, over-taxation, social engineering, health fascism, and environmental hysteria. It is a friend of opportunity, incentives, free trade, and effective rule of law, national sovereignty, and national defense. And so say all of us!”

–Former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher

“The Heritage Foundation has been a source of wisdom and support for my staff and me for years…The staff and officers of the Heritatage Foundation are first-rate, and I personally appreciate all of their efforts.”

–Speaker of the House J. Dennis Hastert (R-IL)


“…they have a much better media machine than we do. They’ve worked on it for 30 years and they’ve got it. They’ve got everything from The Heritage Foundation, the sympathetic newspapers, to  sympathetic cable programs…”

–Bill Clinton’s response when asked
about what conservatives have that
liberals and Democrats don’t have on
the Today Show.

“Heritage is central. Heritage is in the middle of everything.”

–Paul Krugman
Academic and New York Times Columnist

The News Media–

“The most aggressive and disciplined of the conservative idea factories.”

–The New York Times

“Heritage is as passionate about selling conservative ideas as Coca-Cola is about selling gaseous drinks.”

–The Economist