Judith Kratochvil

The Conservative Guide to Energy

How the Left Keeps Your Prices High

The Heritage Foundation
Leadership for America


president of The Heritage Foundation

For more than three decades liberals have been restricting America’s access to energy. Through price controls, overregulation, allowing frivolous lawsuits to block energy production, tax policies that discourage oil drilling and other investment in energy, demonizing oil companies, fear-mongering about nuclear energy and more, the left has made the United States the only country in the world that does not use its own natural energy resources.

Now we are reaping the fruits of our short-sighted energy policy. Prices are soaring, and we are at the mercy of foreign governments, some of whom wish us ill.

The solution to our energy problems are is the free market. We need policies to encourage exploration and production of oil, natural gas, and other energy sources, rather than policies that discourage or even ban these activities.

The left seems to have learned nothing from the experiences of the last several decades. The solutions liberals in Congress have recently offered have nothing to do with increasing the supply, which is the only means of lowering prices. Their recent reactions to rising prices have included bringing in the heads of oil companies for public hearings, investigating price “gouging,” threatening a government takeover of the oil companies, increasing taxes, and subsidizing uneconomical ideas.

This guide gives you facts about our energy situation that you can use. You can tell your elected representatives what you want them to do to lower gas prices—which will also lower prices for everything that has to be transported. You can write letters to your newspaper, call talk shows, and give your family and friends the facts. Or you can just use the information we present to become and informed citizens to choose wisely which candidates you will vote for in November.

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