Judith Kratochvil

MyHeritage.org and Web Products


Our members’ Web site, MyHeritage.org, is a tremendous for Heritage Foundation members–a mighty weapon in the war of ideas. It gives our members access to the same facts and figures Heritage experts compiled for members of Congress, the White House, and the media, plus exclusive updates on events our headquarters and around the nation.

 To learn how Heritage is using your gifts to lead the fight for conservative ideals, visit MyHeritage.org for the latest ideas and information fueling today’s most important policy debates.

Web Products
MyHeirtage.org boasts a number of relevant and useful features for our members:

  • Regular MyHeritage.org e-mails that give readers the facts on current eventsand how Heritage is making a difference.
  • E-mail invitations to events in Washington, D.C., and around the country
  • MyHeritage.org Myth Busters, which debunk liberal distortions and misconceptions
  • An online member area allowing you to tailor your Heritage membership and track your contributions
  • An activist tollkit (found online at, which gives conservatives the tools they need to spread conservative reform

Web Products

Heirtage.org offers a number of online products:

  • Our Index of Economic Freedom carries nation-by-nation analysis of economic freedom and its link to prosperity.
  • FamilyFacts.org is the most comprehensive, easy-to-use online source of social science data for a variety of social issues.
  • Appropriations Watch enables you to see how the federal government is spending your tax dollars. This web product also exposes several instances of wasteful pork in the budget.
  • The Tax Calculator tabulates how much of your hard earned money you’ll save do to President Bush’s 2003 tax cuts.
  • The Social Security Rate of Return Calculator shows you what you can expect to receive from Social Security. It also shows how much higher your benefits would be if Congress allowed you the freedom to choose a personal retirement account.

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