Judith Kratochvil

how to Influence your federal representative

Call the scheduler. Many congressional representatives return to their district offices every weekend, so make an appointment with your representatiives scheduler. If the congressioanl representative isn’t available, the scheduler may set you up with an assistant who handles the issue you’re concerned with. If that’s the case, don’t be discouraged; congressmen rely heavily on their staffs as information gatekeepers.

Pray earnestly, especially if you’re meeting with someone who doesn’t share your biblical values and routinely votes against them.

Study thoroughly. You’ll need to know your subject well enough to keep your conversation brief, since you may not have much time to make your case. Limit your arguments to two points, with a story and a statistic to back up each.

Dress appropriately. Appearance is important for these meetings, even if it’s Saturday and the congressional representaitive is wearing jeans and tennis shoes. Men should wear a coat and tie, women a dress or suit.

Speak winsomely. Make your point and be winsome. Do not be combative in your manner. Have a smile on your face and be winning with what you say. Mkae it something the listener will want to hear. Make it interesting.

Close the deal. Be sure to close the deal by making a specific request of the representative. “Will you cosponsor this?” Will you vote for this?”

Follow up. A few days after your meeting, send a brief letter thanking the representative for his or her time and restating your point.