Judith Kratochvil

What I Believe


* Every life is sacred and is the right from which all else flows. Abortion on demand should be made illegal. I allow for three exceptions: rape, incest, life/health of the mother. Adoption programs should be strengthened.


* The family is the foundation of a strong society, therefore marriage needs to be protected. Protection of marriage as a tradition including definition of the institution as between a man and a woman are a necessity. However, this larger issue and other surrounding issues like granting benefits and inheritance rights should be decided by the several states individually. I do support federal legislation to strengthen the Defense of Marriage act by adding language that states “and not related by blood, marriage, or adoption.” I do not see a constitutional amendment as appropriate on either the federal or state level because constitutions do not as a rule deny or restrict privileges and rights.

Another way to strengthen the family is to encourage adoption. There are many childeren in our country and the world that would flourish if given the chance to live with two loving parents instead of in foster care or as a ward of the court. Parents are best equipped to properly raise and educate children.

Homeland and National Security

* Homeland and national security are paramount concerns. Enforcing our immigration laws, building a strong military, and preserving and protecting our civil rights provides the base for a strong and secure nation.

Border Security and Immigration


War on Terror

Economic Prosperity

* Economic prosperity is central to an ownership society. In furtherance of economic prosperity we must lower our debt, reform the tax code, and revise our trade policy so that American corporations can compete by investing in America and American workers.





* Liberty is the second right guaranteed by the declaration of independence and is protected from government infringement in the Bill of Rights. The way we are going about fighting the War on Terror is with fear and threats to produce a willingness to cede our liberties to the government in the name protection. I believe that Benjamin Franklin and Franklin Delano Roosevelt are instructive here.

Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety – Benjamin Franklin

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Military Commissions Act

Patriot Act

Use of Secret Evidence


Second Amendment

* Common sense measures like background checks and trigger locks can preserve the rights of citizens to own firearms, protect the gun manufacturers from lawsuits, and safeguard our children from gun-related accidents.


* Putting parents in charge of their children’s education through school choice will benefit the parent and children by providing them with more opportunities. However, we must also commit to strengthening the public schools for those who chose to stay, cannot change schools, do not have the money to attend or might not otherwise be well served in a private school. The two systems can compete, but it must be a fair competition.

In most states school choice legislation is currently unconstitutional because of what are known as Blaine Amendments, which are clear prohibitions on public monies going to private schools (sectarian or non-sectarian). These amendments must be overturned before school choice legislation can be approved.

Career Training

College Affordability


No Child Left Behind
