Judith Kratochvil

Terroism is no Joke Governor; Security is Necessary

In National Security on October 21, 2007 at 3:00 am

The latest budget battle between Gov. Mark Sanford and the state legislature led by House Speaker Bobby Harrell and Senate President Glen McConnell centers arouond security for the state capital. Today’s Greenville News reports that Mr. Sanford joked in a cabinet meeting about how he sometimes would like the SC statehouse to be a terrorist target. Mr. Harrell  asked “Do we need something like an Oklahoma City-style bombing of our historic state capitol before the governor realizes there is a need to insure the safety of the people who come to our capitol?,” in a press release.  Mr. McConnell responded by saying that the governor’s wait until we are attacked attitude is unacceptable. There are more state employees, tourists, and school children that are on the capital grounds than elected officals most of the time.

It is acceptable to debate the method by which we protect the capital complex and how much is spent to accomplish this end. However, there should be no debate about weather to secure this complex in a common-sense manner in light of the Goose Creek incident that was reported in outher South Carolina newspapers within the last month.

The Charleston City Paper reported that there are 308 potntial targets in South Carolina. Then The State reported on the court case involving the Goose Creek supects. The Egyptian student charged has pleaded not guilty according to Live 5 News and the Charleston Post & Courier reports that this suspect will not recieve bail.

Since these terrorists like to attack the structures of government wouldn’t it be prudent to secure the statehouse from a potential truck bomb in the garage? In light of Goose Creek isn’t it completely inappropirate for Gov. Sanford to joke about wisihng the capital being a terrorist taregt? It is always inappropriate, but even more so in light of this case.

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