Judith Kratochvil

Revealed: The truth about Iraq

In National Security on September 4, 2007 at 2:30 am

Liberals are pushing hard to withdraw American forces from Iraq as soon as possible. But is what they’re saying really true?

In a new paper, Heritage Foundation expert James Phillips answers some of the most frequently asked questions and dispels liberal rumors aimed at derailing American efforts to secure Iraq.

The questions:

  • We did not find weapons of mass destruction or any clear link to al-Qaeda. Knowing what we know now, should we have invaded Iraq?
  • Is the U.S. capable of winning the war in Iraq, and what does winning look like?
  • After successfully capturing Saddam Hussein, shouldn’t the U.S. focus on getting bin Laden, rather than trying to force democracy on a society that doesn’t want it?
  • Why should U.S. soldiers lose their lives waging another country’s civil war?
  • How can one call this anything but a civil war?
  • Polls show that over half of the Iraqi people want us to leave. Shouldn’t we respect their wishes?
  • Isn’t it time for the Iraqi government and army to take over?
  • How have our actions in Iraq affected our relationships with other nations?
  • After Iraq, what next? What threats will we have to address?

Click here to read the answers.

Find out more about developments in Iraq on Heritage’s Progress in Iraq website.

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