Judith Kratochvil

Shoot the Clay Pigeon — Don’t Support Cloture

In National Security on June 21, 2007 at 6:28 pm

Majority Leader Harry Reid plans to use a rare procedural maneuver known as the “clay pigeon” and plans to use it to force a vote on the immigration bill rather than debate each amendment that was approved in negotiations. This move stifles a bill and will damage the Senate as much as the nuclear option would have. It disallows complete debate on a very important issue.

This maneuver would be executed by doing the following according to the Washington Post:



Under the tentative plan, Reid as early as Friday would launch his target _ an amendment encompassing all 22 proposals _ and shoot it into its component pieces. The Senate would then vote on ending debate on the immigration measure, which would take 60 votes and limit discussion of the bill to 30 more hours. After that interval, all 22 amendments would have to be voted on, with little opportunity for foes to interfere.

The process has been rigged from the beginning, which we think gives us justification to use every measure possible to slow this thing down and stop it,” says Sen. Jim DeMint.

I agree with Sen. DeMint and I say we should shoot the “clay pigeon.” The cloture vote should fail so that the bill fails and a decision has to be made about weather to bring it back to the floor under fair procedure or completely leave it alone. Having the cloture vote failing would shoot the “clay pigeon” by denying any votes until a full and fair debate and vote is allowed on all amendments.

Cloture has already failed once because according to Sen. Cornyn the immigration issue is too important to be debated behind closed doors. Sen. Cornyn is right and that is the reason we need to shoot the “clay pigeon.”

 It is time to show those who want to force bills down out throats that we mean business. Shooting the “clay pigeon” accomplishes this end. I urge readers to call their Senators and request a “nay” vote on cloture for the immigration bill.

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