Judith Kratochvil

Sen. Graham co-sponsors legislation banning item made with “sweatshop labor”

In Values on January 24, 2007 at 12:40 pm

Sen. Graham is co-sponsoring legislation with 5 of his colleagues that would ban imports from factories that utilize sweatshop labor. He says of his support for the bill “If you’re a business person engaged in exploiting people to get a better market share, I hope you get fined, I hope you get sued. That’s not the way to build up an economy. That’s not the way to have global trade.”The legislation, S. 367 (pdf) is Sponsored by Byron Dorgan a Democrat from North Dakota would impose a $10,000 fine on any company caught importing goods made in a sweatshop.

Byron Dorgan: Press Release
Bill Summary & Status

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